Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Evil Genius Club

Villain Inc is proud to announce The Evil Genius Club. This is a whole new section to VillainInc.com.

What is it?

The Evil Genius Club is our attempt at assembling and showing off some of the amazingly talented people that cross our paths online or in the real world. These people aren't 'friends that we're promoting' but are actually incredible artists and entrepreneurs that we have encountered and feel are worth holding up to our many loyal and like-minded Villain Inc fans. We don't make money off of them and are not affiliated with them one bit. We merely appreciate their work and would like to let all of you know about it.

What is our goal?

Art. Pure and simple. We want Villain Inc to be synonymous with creativity. And creativity extends beyond our own work. Our goal is to organize the many incredible artists and entrepreneurs that exist throughout the real and virtual world, and present them with a community and platform to promote their work and perhaps meet other artists along the way. In a very small way, Villain Inc wants to help the creative process move along.

Who do we choose?

You've got to be good. That's really it. Sure, we have our own style preferences here and there, but generally truly great art speaks for itself and exists without boundary. We want the artists to stand as a reflection of our own standards, so that even though the styles may vary, the level of quality is the same.

Want to join?

Email or tweet us a link to your work and we'll take a look at it. No, we're not professional art critics in any way, but we will look over your work and decide if it fits our site. And please keep in mind our one rule - your submission does allow us enough creative control over your work to use your images only for the promotion of your work within the framework of this site. We are not allowed to make any money with your work or use it to promote anything pertinent to our business (outside of the Evil Genius Club section.) We have no rights to your work whatsoever and this section is only used as advertising for your work.

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