Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Night Owl

I'm a night person. I always have been and probably always will be. I love the night time. I love the spaciousness and quiet. This is when I work the best and come up with my better ideas.

However, socially speaking to be a night owl is not the way to go. In fact, most vocations will bend its workers into morning people by necessity. This is neither good nor bad. It just is.

But it is worth mentioning that there is nothing wrong with being up late at night; or during the day; or in the cold; or in the heat. We are all different and all thrive under different conditions.

So I would advise anyone to embrace their comfort zone, not fight it. Analyze your workspace and really figure out what it may need to put you in the right frame of mind. It may be the lighting, the furniture, the clutter, whatever. But never underestimate the effects - both good and bad - that these things can have on your productivity.

Now if you'll excuse me, 7-Eleven is calling me.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The New Yankee Stadium

After spending the last couple of years in Los Angeles, Vaudevillain and Future Boy are back in New York again and finally got to check out the newly built Yankee Stadium. This place is truly incredible and even though I was disappointed to see the old building come down, I'm glad to see such an amazing structure in its place.

What really won me over is the historical nod to the original Yankee Stadium, including the famous white arches and classic art deco facade surrounding the exterior of the building. And of course elevator service to our *ahem* bird's eye seats didn't hurt either.

The place represents New York just as it should, and it's definitely Vaudevillain approved. I caught a few pics with my FX Camera on Android.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Photo Challenge: NEON

 Just a few more submissions from yours truly for the Future Boy Photo Challenge. If you haven't yet, head on over to Future Boy Facebook and join in.

- The Boss

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Photography Challenge: NEON

Two Future Boy submissions for the Photography Challenge: Neon going on right now at Future Boy Facebook. Check it out today and get involved! We look forward to everyone's submissions!

Future Boy Photo Challenge: NEON

What is it?
The whole thing is real simple. Each week, we will choose a topic to photograph. We (including you) will all have one week to go out and photograph some of our best shots pertaining to that topic. Once you get a picture you like, jump on our Facebook page and post it! That's all. This is not a contest or competition, it's strictly for fun. Equipment or skill does not matter. See something interesting out there in the world? Snap it with a cell phone cam or a fancy-shmancy SLR. It doesn't matter, we just want to see it. So do your best out there and we look forward to your results!

This week:
NEON. It could be a sign, a building, a lightbulb, a bright pink Cadillac. Whatever evokes 'neon' to you is what we want to see!

How to join:
1. Photograph something pertaining to that topic.
2. Go to Facebook.com/FutureBoyProductions
3. Locate our Photo Challenge Event and click on it.
4. Join the event and post the image. That's it.