Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Food Photography Thoughts

Well our pasta shoots continue this week. Some thoughts.

You can be an amazing photographer in a variety of different styles but food photography is an art all its own, and it's one of the reasons even experienced photographers avoid it. It's completely hit or miss. Shoot the dish incorrectly and risk having even the most delicious dinner look downright unappealing.

So when attempting this yourself, consider the following aspects...

- Sizes. The size of the food serving in relation to the plate. Keep in mind how much empty space you may or may not want for the overall composition of the image. Also, how much of one ingredient do you want to dominate over another? Maybe an ice cream sundae will look even better with a little more whipped cream?

- Colors. One of the biggest factors to consider. Think about how the color of one sauce matches over another. Should it be pesto green or marinara red or gravy brown? And of course you'll always want to have splashes of color around as well, such as a little basil, cheese, or a cherry on top.

- Shapes. Get creative here. Maybe you want to arrange your meal in the traditional style but consider other ways as well. Square salads, tower ingredients, soup in a rectangular bowl. Think about how different shapes will interact with each other in the final image.

- Plates. Often an aspect that is overlooked but equally as important as the food itself. Size, color, and shape all apply here. Mix and match. A white dish will give that minimalistic effect, while a colorful plate can serve as the final touch to an otherwise monotone meal.

- Composition. Far away, close up, profile. Consider the shape of the meal and how it might best catch the eye.

Those are just a few tips to consider but we admittedly are still learning a great deal on this subject ourselves. If you have any pics you're proud of, let us know on Twitter (@FutureBoyPro) or Facebook.com/FutureBoyProductions.