Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cell Phone Photography : 3 AM in the neighborhood NIGHT #2

Well tonight was cut short from a quick storm rolling into town. Here's a couple of images nonetheless.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cell Phone Photography: 3 AM in the neighborhood.

I ventured out into my neighborhood in the middle of the night with only my cell phone camera. Very cool experiment to really push your photo skills. Its not easy! Here's what I came up with...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Future Boy's 'Proper Barbershop' logo hits the clothing market!

Just want to give a shout out to the guys at the Proper Barbershop and HA Critical for their very cool new shirt design, featuring some Proper Barber themed graphics. Always cool to see our creations grow! Nice job guys!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

In Remembrance, April 16th, 2010

One year ago today, Future Boy Productions lost a very important member of our team. He was an inspiration to all of us and we certainly wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for him.

We love you and miss you everyday.

Future Boy

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Charlie Chaplin

Vaudevillain Inc. would not deserve its name if we didn't salute Mr. Charlie Chaplin today on his 122nd birthday. Mr. Chaplin was a legendary filmmaker, actor, and composer, known the world over for his classic 'Tramp' character.

Chaplin was a true genius; an expert in turning the simplest actions and mannerisms into something hilarious and entertaining for anyone, no matter their age or nationality. He is all too easily forgotten in today's modern world, relatively unknown to the younger audiences. And yet his influence is seen, knowingly or not, in nearly all comedic performances that grace the silver screen.

Chaplin achieved his highest praise in such films as The Gold Rush, The Kid, Modern Times, and The Great Dictator. His films brought him fame (which he didn't care for) and multiple Academy Awards (which he openly used as door stoppers.) He showed no hesitation in confronting and mocking Adolf Hitler at the height of his power (something no one dared to do at that time,) and always managed to slip many other powerful messages into his films.

Chaplin's outspoken and brash nature would land him in hot water with the United States government during the days of the Red Scare, resulting in his permanent departure to Switzerland where he spent his remaining days.

Vaudevillain Inc. is proud to salute Charlie Chaplin today as one of the true legends of Hollywood, comedy, and American history.

The Boss

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Welcome Believe Beauty Lounge

Future Boy Productions would like to welcome Believe Beauty Lounge of Pleasantville, NY and its owner, Lisa Koebbe Bevan. Lisa is a pleasure to work with and her salon is one of the best in the New York Tri-State area. We are excited to work with Believe and hope we can continue to for some time.

Future Boy

Welcome Chris McMillan Salon and Art Coif

Future Boy Productions would like to formally welcome both the Chris McMillan Salon of Beverly Hills AND Art Coif fashion to Future Boy! We are honored to add these prestigious names to our body of work, and will be looking forward to the designing and launching of their official websites sometime soon. More updates as they come.

Future Boy

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What is Vaudevillain Inc?

If you have looked at the Future Boy Productions site with any detail lately, you may have come across some bizarre characters floating around here. We call them the "Vaudevillains" and we are proud to introduce them as the faces of the new Future Boy Productions clothing line 'Vaudevillain Inc.'

Designing and production is still ongoing at this time, but we are hoping to fully launch Vaudevillain Inc. in a month, just in time for summer. We will definitely be announcing further details about this exciting new Future Boy project as they surface, so please keep checking back for updates or simply jump on Twitter and follow us: @vaudevillaininc

We are particularly excited for the Future of Future Boy and we truly hope you will all support us and enjoy the big, new designs we will be releasing soon!

They're coming. Summer 2011

Future Boy

Friday, April 8, 2011

Proper Barbershop celebrates 1-Year Anniversary

Future Boy Productions would like to congratulate the Proper Barbershop for reaching the ever-important 1-year anniversary. With a lot of hard work and style, these guys have put together a fun, artistic, and very high quality barbershop right in Hollywood. I salute them in reviving the true men's haircut. Nice job and best of luck with year number two!

- Future Boy

Vintage Cinemas is expanding to San Diego, Summer 2011

Long time client, Vintage Cinemas, will be expanding their beautiful theaters all the way to Coronado, in San Diego, CA. The new "Village Theatre" will become a central hub to the newly revived Coronado entertainment district.

Future Boy Productions will have the pleasure of designing the Village Theatre's upcoming website. For now, have a look at the concepts and be sure to check out the other gorgeous Vintage Cinemas locations throughout Los Angeles.

Stay tuned for more updates as the grand opening approaches.

- Future Boy

Proper Barbershop is one of the four best American Barbershops!

Congrats to Trent and Vinny, owners of The Proper Barbershop, an amazing barbershop in Los Angeles AND a good friend of the Future Boy Team. They just recently reached the final four ranking for's "Best American Barbershop or Men's Salon" competition! Read about it here.

Future Boy had the pleasure of designing The Proper's logo, graphics, and website last year. They have an incredible establishment right in Hollywood (only a block or two from the world famous Grove and Farmer's Market.) If you are in the area, be sure to drop in for a great haircut and a very cool time.

- Future Boy

Welcome to Future Boy Productions

Welcome to Future Boy Productions and the Future Boy Time Capsule.

This will always be your one stop location for all Future Boy news and events, and possibly even an occasional rant or two. So check back as often as you can, and thank you for joining our site.

- Future Boy

Monday, April 4, 2011

Designs are under way

Just a quick update from the offices of Vaudevillain Inc.:

We are about a month or so from launch day, with two of six designs prepped and ready for printing. The remaining four should be coming along by the end of the week.

Things are moving along quickly here and we couldn't be more excited. Please stand by for additional updates and join us for our official grand opening in the coming weeks! Until then, spread the word and help us get the ball rolling.

- The Boss