Sunday, May 1, 2011

Be True to Yourself

Be true to yourself. It's cliche to say, sure, but nonetheless good advice. How many times each day are we confronted with choices to go one of two ways - 'our way' or the 'typical way'? Yes, sometimes these two choices are one and the same - but rarely. More often than not, we must make the decision of choosing what is safe rather than what we love.

We make these choices in our personal lives but we also make them in business. It is all too easy to go the professional route that is expected. "I own a bowling alley, so it must look like every other bowling alley." This is, at times, a good path to follow. If you own an Italian restaurant for example, four legs on each table is a good idea. But should everything else about your Italian restaurant be the same as every other Italian restaurant? Not necessarily.

I believe firmly that every business owner should add their own style to their business. Maybe it will be reflected in their marketing strategy. Maybe in their decorating. But in order for that business owner to stay passionate about his business, he needs to inject a bit of himself into it. From that passion, success will follow. This has held true in the lives of most successful entrepreneurs, and it would hold true for us all.

So yes, add four legs to every table. But beyond that, don't be scared to forge your own path. In the end, that is what will make you unique and attract people to your business. Most importantly, you will be proud of your business because you will see it as an extension of yourself and you will therefore take more pride in making it grow.

Future Boy

1 comment:

  1. just spotted this, justin! beautifully written.

    ps thanks, great coaching, from one stepford
    admirer to another.
