Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Charlie Chaplin

Vaudevillain Inc. would not deserve its name if we didn't salute Mr. Charlie Chaplin today on his 122nd birthday. Mr. Chaplin was a legendary filmmaker, actor, and composer, known the world over for his classic 'Tramp' character.

Chaplin was a true genius; an expert in turning the simplest actions and mannerisms into something hilarious and entertaining for anyone, no matter their age or nationality. He is all too easily forgotten in today's modern world, relatively unknown to the younger audiences. And yet his influence is seen, knowingly or not, in nearly all comedic performances that grace the silver screen.

Chaplin achieved his highest praise in such films as The Gold Rush, The Kid, Modern Times, and The Great Dictator. His films brought him fame (which he didn't care for) and multiple Academy Awards (which he openly used as door stoppers.) He showed no hesitation in confronting and mocking Adolf Hitler at the height of his power (something no one dared to do at that time,) and always managed to slip many other powerful messages into his films.

Chaplin's outspoken and brash nature would land him in hot water with the United States government during the days of the Red Scare, resulting in his permanent departure to Switzerland where he spent his remaining days.

Vaudevillain Inc. is proud to salute Charlie Chaplin today as one of the true legends of Hollywood, comedy, and American history.

The Boss

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