Friday, August 30, 2013

Immerse Yourself in your work

Immerse yourself in your work. Whatever that work is, whatever you're passionate about, become it. Read about it. Learn about it. Surround yourself with people involved in that field. Embody the subject.

Trade Facebook for online magazines and books. Trade reality TV for documentaries and YouTube discussions. Sketch, write, and research. Discover new people in your field and learn about their work. Simply walk and think. You'd be surprised where your own mind can take you.

Maintaining your motivation and focus is not an easy thing. We all fail at it often. But the greatest people throughout history learned the skill of building and maintaining their energy long enough to accomplish incredible things. And the more they maintained that energy, the more they became that subject.

Think of this concept as a diet plan. If Facebook and television are junk food, reading and learning about your field is the healthy part. And much like a diet, the healthier you eat the less you'll want the junk. It's that simple.

There is genius within us all if we take the necessary steps to find it.

Future Boy

...a brief video to back me up.

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